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Spring Reset

Spring Reset

Spring is the perfect time to evaluate where you are, RECONNECT with your vision and RESET your mind and body.

You can create a better version of yourself and thrive in all areas of your life when you take these 3 steps:

1) Spring clean your mind. First, think about what you are thinking about. Our thoughts determine our attitudes, our actions and our results. If you haven't been able to take action, then start first with thinking about what you have been thinking about. Where do your thoughts take you: do they tell you this is too hard, you can't do this, why do this, or you can take the day off? It's ok to have these negative thoughts pop into our heads, but it is not ok if we allow them to determine how we feel and the actions we take. Learn to recognize these negative emotions, then tell yourself the truth: you deserve this, you can do this one step at a time and what is the harm in trying?

2) Have a compelling WHY. Your why is what is going to pull you through the toughest days. For instance, I want to lose 20 lbs.; although this is a great goal, there will always be days you do not care about losing weight. Instead, think of a bigger why. Do you want to be the best role model for your kids? Do you want you and your family to have the best health and get sick less so that you can enjoy life to the fullest? Do you desire to excel in your career and have an advantage over your competition?

In order to give our best, we must be at our best. This starts with our health. If we want to perform at a high level consistently, then we must put ourselves first by taking care of ourselves. It's just like when they tell you on the plane to put your air mask on first, before you help others.

If we want to be the best businessman/woman, spouse, parent, or friend, we have to put ourselves first and take care of our bodies so our bodies will take care of us. Otherwise, we are like a ticking time bomb and I promise, your body will break down at the most inconvenient time, such as when you are caring for family members or trying to hit a deadline. Sickness happens because our body's' defenses are down.

Instead, decide that you will not stand for anything less than your best and know that you can only truly give your best when you're taking care of your mind and body by eating healthily, moving actively and being intentional about your thoughts. This isn't about being perfect, it's about pursuing excellence in all areas of our life. We are most happy when we are growing and giving our best.

Upgrading our health gives us lasting energy and prevents sickness that can slow us down and up-rail our goals. Bonus:Upgrading our health bleeds into all areas of our lives: our career, finances, family and relationships. It's a compound effect, like when you get a ball rolling down a hill, it builds momentum and starts going faster and faster. Your health is the answer to having more energy, increasing your success and happiness.

3) Spring clean your exercise routine. Are you bored, not seeing results or have no exercise routine? Then it's time for a reset. Often times when we are not getting the results we're looking for, it is due to our bodies getting used to what we are doing so you may need to mix up your routine, your intensity or it may be time to get moving.

So, are you ready to take action, make changes and see immediate results, but not sure where to start? That's why I'm here: I'm your mind, body and health expert. I'm here to give you the strategies, support and accountability.

Spring Reset

Join my 14 Day Spring Reset Program

This program is for you if:

1) You are ready to change you and your family's health

2) You can dedicate 8-10 hours/week over the next 14 days

3) You want lasting results and great health

Why do this program?

-To jump start a new you. My program jolts you into taking action even if you feel stuck and unmotivated.

-When you fully commit, you can expect to lose 3-5 lbs.

-You need a health expert and coach to provide proven strategies and keep you accountable so that you get real lasting results.

-You've tried everything and are ready to stop dieting and learn how to eat to fuel your body, lose and maintain a healthy weight and feel amazing.

What this program includes:

- Weekly coaching videos recorded to watch when it's convenient for you.

-Live Q&A sessions to coach you through your challenges

-Exercise videos so you are not guessing what to do

-Online group support and access to your health coach

-2 week meal plan, grocery list and healthy recipes so that you have tasty food that is quick and easy.

Hurry and sign up now, spots are limited! We're starting the reset on April 14. Click here!

This program is not for you if:

1) You are looking for another fad diet

2) You are not ready for changing your diet or lifestyle

3) You are not willing to put in the time and effort

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